- What is Vestibular Disease in Dogs?
- What Causes Vestibular Disease in Dogs
- Common Signs of Vestibular Disease in Dogs
- Types of Vestibular Disease
- Differentiating Vestibular Disease From Old Dog Syndrome
- Tips To Help The Dogs With Vestibular Disease
- Is Vestibular Disease in Dogs Fatal?
- Why to Follow Up with the Veternarian
- Final Thoughts
Witnessing your beloved dog suddenly lose balance and appear disoriented can be alarming. While it's easy to attribute these symptoms to "old dog syndrome," it's crucial to understand that they could indicate a specific condition which is vestibular disease.
Seeing the dog collapse and be vulnerable can be painful for the pet owners and bring challenging situations for the veterinarians. This alarming situation calls for a quick solution and to seek veterinarian help immediately.
What is Vestibular Disease in Dogs?
A vestibular system is responsible for the balance, coordination, and synchronization of the whole body in animals. A spatial orientation is not possible without vestibular disease. It is mainly made of the peripheral vestibular system, including the ear and nerves traveling from the ear to the brain.
Also known as the old dog syndrome, sometimes, this is relatively more common in senior dogs.
What Causes Vestibular Disease in Dogs
Any disturbance and disruption in the vestibular balance causes vestibular disease.
The central vestibular system consists of
- Brainstem
- Cerebellum
Vestibular can be considered as the internal GPS of the dog. This helps them navigate in their surroundings. Vestibular diseases lead to system malfunctions and a variety of other distressing symptoms.
Common Signs of Vestibular Disease in Dogs
Vestibular disease symptoms can differ from one dog to another. However, there are common signs that pet owners should be mindful of, as they may indicate vestibular disease. Additionally, veterinarians must recognize these symptoms to prevent the condition from worsening.
In some cases, dog brain tumor symptoms can resemble those of vestibular disease, making an accurate diagnosis essential for proper treatment.
A few of the common signs are;
A Tilted Head
A tilted head is one of the most noticeable signs, and in case your dog has this issue, you need to look out and take him to the veterinarian to seek medical assistance.
Loss of Balance and Coordination
The loss of balance and coordination is the next vital sign to consider. It usually revolves around walking, stumbling, and circling. The falling and rolling of the dog is also common in this disease.
Nystagmus indicates rapid and involuntary eye movements.
Vomiting and Nausea
The vomiting and nausea are particularly common in this disease due to the dizziness that comes with this condition.
Listlessness and Lethargy
Dogs with this disease are also reported to be lethargic and feel listlessness.
Types of Vestibular Disease
There are different types of vestibular diseases.
Idiopathic Vestibular Disease
Idiopathic vestibular has emerged as the most common type of vestibular disease. It is common in older dogs. This term indicates that the cause is unknown; however, it gets resolved within a few weeks.
Central Vestibular Disease
The central vestibular disease mostly affects the brainstem or cerebellum and can have serious consequences and implications. Therefore, getting a timely medical checkup and treatment is a must.
Peripheral Vestibular Disease
Peripheral vestibular disease affects the inner ear and is associated with infections and other underlying conditions.
Differentiating Vestibular Disease From Old Dog Syndrome
Old dog syndrome is often considered a vestibular disease. However, both relate on a stronger note but can be different. Many signs of old dog syndrome occur not because of vestibular disease but because of the aging in the dogs.
A key difference may include
Sudden Onset
Vestibular disease typically has a sudden onset, whereas the dogs who experience old dog syndrome usually experience a gradual decline in their overall health.
Specific Symptoms
Other specific symptoms are similar as mentioned above
- Head tilt
- Nystagmus
- Difficulty walking
Diagnosis and Treatment
Diagnosing vestibular disease involves a thorough physical examination, including neurological tests. Your veterinarian may also recommend blood tests and imaging studies to rule out other possible causes.
Treatment typically focuses on supportive care, such as providing fluids and medications to control nausea and vomiting. In most cases, dogs with idiopathic vestibular disease recover fully. Vestibular disease in dogs treatment can be effective when it is followed rigorously.
Important Note: If you notice any of these symptoms in your dog, it's crucial to consult your veterinarian immediately. Prompt diagnosis and treatment can significantly improve your dog's comfort and recovery.
Vestibular Disease in Older Dogs
Like all other diseases, the vestibular disease is treated by scanning for the underlying cause. However, idiopathic disease is also common, so if the disease in your dog is diagnosed as idiopathic or old dog vestibular, the treatment needs to be done accordingly. Supportive care is a must until the condition resolves.
Tips To Help The Dogs With Vestibular Disease
Dogs with vestibular should be taken care of well, and the pet owners can ensure the following things to make it clear.
They can
- Confine their dog to a safe, quiet, comfortable resting place.
- Surround the dog with a thick rolled-up blanket for support
- Ensure to clear the floor from obstacles
- Keep the edibles, such as water and food nearby
- Can assist with eating and drinking if needed
- Change the dog’s position to make him avoid bedsores if necessary
- Use a body harness with a handle to help the dog.
Is Vestibular Disease in Dogs Fatal?
The vestibular disease in dogs is not particularly fatal. However, things can take a twist if not taken care of well. The dog can fall on the road or stumble in a packed surrounding, which may lead to emergencies.
Home Nursing the Dog with Vestibular Disease
Proper home nursing can make the dog with vestibular feel better. They should be provided food, water, and a safe resting space. This will help them with better mobility and bathroom needs.
Following these practices can help with better home care.
- Make sure that the dog has good access to food and water.
- It is recommended that the dog is hand-fed for the initial few days.
- You should also ensure that the dog drinks enough water by adding the ice cubes to the bowl or other seasoning.
- Ensure to feed salt in moderation.
- Remove trip-prone obstacles.
- Putting the dog on a carpeted floor and using a non-slip mat is recommended.
- Ensure to take good care of the dog’s bathroom needs.
- Avoid abrupt changes that can startle the dog.
- Be consistent with the prescribed medications and supplements.
- Monitor the dog’s appetite, drinking, urination, and ambulation.
- The trip-prone obstacles should be removed.
Why to Follow Up with the Veternarian
Consulting with your veterinarian is a must for you as a pet parent to a dog with old dog syndrome or vestibular disease.
You can refer to it here if you are wondering how to differentiate old dog syndrome from vestibular disease.
Visiting the veternarian is particularly evident as
- They can help with the dog's handling.
- They can identify the underlying reasons.
- They guide about home nursing an old dog with vestibular disease
- The vet can run tests and scans when essential to assess the dog's overall health.
All aspects of veterinary care should be handled properly by a veterinarian to help with vestibular disease and other health issues. For example, KCS in dogs, or Keratoconjunctivitis Sicca, is a disease of the eye in which tear production is drastically reduced, leaving the affected eyes painful and vulnerable to sight-threatening complications.
Animals affected with vestibular disease or KCS should be treated urgently by a veterinarian so that other complications do not arise. Then come the fears of pet owners regarding respiratory diseases like kennel cough.
One frequently asked question: "Is kennel cough contagious to humans?" The answer is usually no; these strains are not usually problematic in dogs, with some strains posing a risk to immunocompromised persons, hence the need for all-important preventative measures and timely therapy.
Next comes the pet behavior-related aspects of the animals that can greatly affect the overall quality of life. Cat kneading and biting have been observed by numerous cat owners and are associated with comfort, affection, or even overstimulation.
While seemingly removed from the issue, understanding a pet's behavioral signals-whether referring to dogs with certain vestibular problems or regarding cats that knead and bite-is incredibly important for the care and assistance afforded to that pet. Knowledge of both medical and behavioral components gives a broad-based approach to the overall well-being of the given pet.
Final Thoughts
Old dogs tend to have the vestibular syndrome. They get to have a tilt head when suffering from vestibular disease. This disease can either be idiopathic or can come with an underlying cause. However, home nursing it properly and getting it examined by the vet specialists can help to handle such a dog more actively.
DVM Central can surely help veterinarians upgrade their knowledge with the webinars that we offer. We also deal with veterinary products and medical equipment to assist veterinarians in upgrading their practice.
How long does vestibular disease in dogs last?
It does not take much if you take care of your dog well. They take 1-2 weeks to recover.
Can vestibular disease cause seizures in dogs?
While vestibular disease can cause some symptoms that might resemble seizures, such as sudden movements and loss of balance, it does not directly cause seizures in dogs.
Can vestibular disease cause blindness in dogs?
Vestibular disease primarily affects balance and coordination; it does not typically cause blindness in dogs. The vestibular system deals explicitly with balance, spatial orientation, and eye movements to maintain equilibrium.
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