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Product Description

"Laparoscopy, Arthroscopy and Endoscopy video tower.  Made with three adjustable stainless steel shelves.    Two wheels have a lock.  Back of cart shelf holds a CO2 E-tank.  Video monitor mount can be customized to fit your monitor or can be provided with a monitor.   This is a very durable tower that is easy to move around a veterinary hospital operating.  The shelfs and video monitor are all adjustable.  The tray that holds your instruments is removable.  The tray can be wrapped and sterized to maximize efficiency then placed in the tray holder.  The tray holder arm extends 1.5 feet beyond the tower making it easier to pick-up instruments during your surgery.

The VetOvation surgical tower has been modified over the past five years creating the perfect surgical tower for a veterinary practice. If  you have any questions please call 919-247-0328 or leave us a message at [email protected]"